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Writer's pictureJoão Falanga

One of my favorite songs, see what dedication and effort can do. Valid for any job - I Want Your Love

Cover of I Want Your Love
Cover of I Want Your Love

I Want Your Love is one of my favorite songs, and I'll prove to you why.

But first about the band:

Chic is a band from the United States formed between 1975 and 1976 by guitarist Nile Rodgers and bassist Bernard Edwards. They are best remembered for their disco songs, including "Dance Dance Dance" (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah) (1977), "Everybody Dance" (1977), "Le Freak" (1978), "I Want Your Love" (1978), "Good Times" (1979) and "My Forbidden Lover" (1979).

In 1978, the band released a masterpiece of Disco Music, the album C'est Chic, which became double platinum and brought unforgettable songs like I Want Your Love and the immortal Le Freak (the band's biggest hit).

It was so successful that to this day the album is the best-selling album on the Atlantic label (today Warner) with almost 7 million copies at the time. The following year another immense success, the album Risque, which brought to light eternal songs such as My Feet Keep Dancing, My Forbidden Lover and the great Good Times< /em>, the latter which influenced most disco and funk bands of the time, as well as serving as the basis for the first Hip Hop songs. (Source Wikipedia )

Why do I love this song?

Chic's smooth, fast-paced follow-up to his epic album "Le Freak", "I Want Your Love" was a hit in its own right in early 1979. And while it may not have been as commercially impressive as the first, it was a stunning, and often better, example of how easily Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers could work magic on a song together.

Simple yet extraordinarily textured, this is Rodgers' bittersweet, autobiographical lament of unrequited love. Dominant here is the song's four-note riff, which plays in the intro on chimes before being swept up by the lilting strings that finally drive the melody. Echoed by both horns and vocals, the slightly melancholy chorus "I want your love, I need your love" It was the passionate repetition that made the song an endless circle so captivating - a sonic masterpiece.

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