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Privacy Policy

This website was created as part of an analytical project for my postgraduate degree in Data Sciences. The main objective is to deepen my understanding of the metrics that involve a website. During this project, information may be collected relating to the use of the website, such as interactions and browsing patterns. It is important to highlight that all information collected will only be used for academic purposes and will not be shared with third parties. We guarantee our commitment to user privacy, following best practices and ethical standards. Any questions or concerns related to privacy can be directed to

If you need to get in touch or clarify any questions, please use the "Contact Us" section available on the website. It is important to emphasize that I do not carry out any type of marketing through the website. No person is authorized to sell, solicit or carry out any similar transaction on the platform, as established in the Terms of Use. Your understanding and collaboration are essential to maintain the integrity and security of the online community.

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